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Huntsville Hospital Auxiliary History

Did you know that Women’s Hospital Auxiliaries are one of the largest women's organizations in Ontario? Volunteers began helping in hospitals in Canada as far back as 1639 when three sisters from Dieppe started the Hotel Dieu in Quebec?  By 1810 the Grey Nuns had started hospital services throughout Canada.  In early days in order to join volunteer service you were expected to contribute a dozen jars of homemade jam, jelly and pickles.  The only actual work volunteers and nurses alike were expected to do was search the hospital for cockroaches and clean out the chicken coop.  Although we cannot help but be amused by the early work that was done by volunteers, they were fulfilling a need then, as we are now nearly 400 years later.  We must not forget the afternoon group of Women's Auxiliary members, who worked diligently since the hospital opened as a Red Cross Outpost in 1948.  These ladies worked every Tuesday afternoon making dressings and mending numerous articles coming out of the laundry each week.  The work of these ladies saved the hospital board untold dollars and earned their grateful thanks.  Learn more about the history of the Huntsville Hospital Auxiliary below, by year.

Volunteers return to volunteering in August 2021 in a reduced capacity: Portering, Day Surgery, Branches Gift Shop, all trained in PPE use. January 2022 had the Volunteers once again withdrawing services due to a COVID-19 rates. Auxiliary members returned to volunteering in the Gift Shop, Portering and Day Surgery in March 2022. Fundraisers still on hold for the safety of HHA members; donations to the HHA continued to be received. The HHA did not make any donations to MAHC in this fiscal year. Branches Gift Shop did hold a raffle for a 52” giraffe and a snowman decoration. One of the HHA volunteers continued to service the food and beverage machines. The scholarship program for $1,000 each for staff and a graduating student continued for 2021 with Abigail Jones being the successful student applicant and Tracey McCartney receiving the staff award. 

The move of the Director of Volunteers' office is completed. The HHA Executive continued to hold virtual monthly meetings

A virtual HHA General Meeting was held November 10. Ontario Volunteer Awards were presented virtually to Lorrice Carruthers, Fran Higgs, Linda Martin, Andy Martinolich, Sharon McNally and Peter Slater. Volunteers continued assisting with the Blood Donors Clinic.

HHA in cooperation with the Huntsville Hospital Foundation started working on a new fundraising venture, a 50/50 draw. The first 50/50 draw is at the end of April 2022.

The HHA is now incorporated.

COVID-19 has prevented the HHA volunteers from providing services to the Hospital. Fundraisers were canceled to ensure safety of Auxiliary members. The Executive continued holding monthly virtual meetings. There was one volunteer entering the hospital to service the food and beverage machines. Auxiliary President held regular update meetings with hospital administration. All other general and yearly meetings were cancelled. The Christmas Wish for 2020 was cancelled. The Auxiliary did continue with the Scholarship Awards Program with the $1000 student award going to Austin McKee, and the $1,000 staff award to Klaudia West from the Medical/Surgical inpatient care unit. Volunteers did hold the BBQ at the Independent Grocer in September. The Auxiliary conducted a Bakeless Bake Sale with outstanding results. 

In 2019-2020 the Auxiliary donations to MAHC were $10,000 for hospital stretchers, $12,215 for CMAC intubation tubes, $670 for 2 Bissell Floor Cleaners (re: Christmas Wish), totaling $22,885.

In 2020-2021 the Auxiliary donations to MAHC were $20,000 for PPE mentioned in the 2019-2020 report, $15,000 in lieu of the Stretcher commitment.

Hospital Administration sent all volunteers an appreciation pin in lieu of the volunteer’s dinner, that was cancelled due to the COVID-19 virus.

There were 13 stockings for newborns were given out at Christmas. The Christmas tree was put in place by the Foundation staff. Volunteers continued assisting with the Blood Donors Clinics. 

The Director of Volunteers' office was in the process of being relocated.

This was the first year of Huntsville Hospital Auxiliary’s operation without the guidance and oversight of the HAAO. However, we still have Central Region in place and CR Chair Jim Adjala advises the group is convening to determine what support, if any, they can give to the various auxiliary groups.

Meanwhile, HHA continues to assist in hosting the ongoing Blood Donor clinics, observe and participate in the annual Volunteer Appreciation Day events, Auxiliary Tag Day, Cookie Delight Christmas sale and Christmas Stockings for Newborns.

The Ontario Service Awards is another annual event sponsored by the provincial government. After some delay this year the awards were staged and Auxiliary members honoured were: 10 year pins - Eric Spinks, Carol Sullivan; 15 year pins -  Liz Galvin, Helen Sparkes, Marilyn Sterling, Roxieanne Walker.

Auxilian Diane Litchfield’s many years of volunteer work in our community was recognized by a nomination for the annual YWCA Women of Distinction Awards. She was honoured with the 2019 Transitional Award. Congratulations Diane!

New initiatives this past year include the Knitted Knockers program, refurbishing of the second floor Chapel/Quiet Room, hosting a weekend at the Your Independent Grocer's BBQ, a Fashion Show and a bridge banner complete with a reserved time slot on the downtown bridge. A new volunteer position was established through the efforts of Activation Coordinator Heidi Collings. We now have five volunteers dedicated as Patient Support Volunteers. Heidi also requested that all hair care equipment and supplies be disposed of as hair care is no longer necessary. All usable equipment was donated to the ReStore.

Our annual Christmas wish $1,000 award was made available again this year. The successful department was Environmental Services. Two $1,000 scholarships were also available, $1,000 for Huntsville Hospital Staff and $1,000 for any HDMH catchment area graduating student going into a medical post-secondary program. Katie Prentice, Environmental Services Aide, was the successful staff applicant. There were no student applications.

Due to some timing complications we did not make any major donations towards the HDMH capital program. A phlebotomy cart was purchased on special request from the Lab and two stretchers were purchased as part of our five-year commitment to the hospital greening program.

COVID-19: On March 15, after hearing concerns from several Auxilians, a joint email from the President and the Director of Volunteers was sent to all members advising if they were concerned about their own safety or the safety of their family, they should not attend the hospital to volunteer. On March 16, we were advised by MAHC that all Auxiliary operations were suspended until further notice. Our Annual General Meeting, scheduled to be held at Chartwell Traditions on April 8, was cancelled due to the COVID-19 crisis. All general meetings were also cancelled until further notice. Board meetings are being held as required using the Zoom online platform. The Auxiliary donated $20,000 to HDMH to be used exclusively for the purchase of Personal Protective Equipment to protect hospital staff during the epidemic.

The Auxiliary’s successful fundraisers this year included the annual Spring Card Party, a Garage Sale, Autumn House Tour, Independent Grocer BBQ, our annual Tag Day, Cookie Delight and proceeds from Branches Gift shop, two coffee machines and four Coca Cola refreshment machines.

Our donations to the hospital totaled approximately $70,000.

The combined efforts resulted in us purchasing two Operating Room anesthetic carts, four Samsung tablets for the use of patients during dialysis, refurbishing the Chapel complete with refinished tables, new chairs, new lamps and a beautiful quilt wall hanging courtesy of Susan Love. We also financed the purchase of two defibrillators, an Ultra Vac Machine and, as a result of our annual Christmas Wish draw, we sponsored Human Resources Manager Kim Rose on behalf of all staff, in the purchase of an additional microwave oven for staff use in the Garden Court.

Our annual student/staff scholarship program generated only one application from both categories. It was then decided we would award Julie Williams, Medical Device Processing Technician the full amount of her enrollment fee. She has since finished her studies in Infection Prevention and Control and has been rewarded with a new job that field.

This year the Hospital Auxiliary Association of Ontario made the decision to disband due to declining interest in provincial activities. This year’s annual convention, held on November 10-11 at the Delta Toronto, was the last. We still have a regional body operational, but to date no action other than a meeting between the Regional Director and our president.

The HAAO suggested that because this was the final year of operation, therefore the last opportunity to award our members Provincial Life Memberships, they would consider any number of applications from each Auxiliary. This resulted in 12 members from HAA being bestowed the honour of Provincial Life Member.

Our 2018 slate of Provincial Life Members are Marjorie Adam, Betty Bildson, Sylvie Davatz, Betty Harris, Lynda Jacob, Barbara Johnson, La Nor (Lee) Lovegrove, Ruth Passmore, Diane Leeder-McAughey, Mary Ray Ward, Betty-Lou Rogers, and Doris (Doe) Villemaire.

The annual awards celebration was held June 12 after the last meeting before the summer break, Arvina Bennett presiding. Awards were as follows:

5 Year Awards: Isabel Coulter, Wendy Davis, Joan Dunn, Roberta Green, Paul Jensen, Lorna Knott, Gail Paterson, Pat Tremblay

10 Year Awards: Maria Blackley, Gordon Hall, Dave James, Joanne Matthews, Beth Miller, Jeanne O’Neil, Ron Sparkes

Outstanding Service Pin: Joanne Matthews, Dave James, Maria Blackley

Outstanding Service Award: Barb Lamy, Dave Lucas, Liz Gavin

30 Year Collage: Jane Rutledge, Barb Golding

35 Year Continuous Service Award: Nancy Waxl

40 Year Award: June Gibson, Shirley Farnsworth (posthumously)

The Huntsville Hospital Auxiliary continues to work alongside the Foundation and raise the funding necessary to supply the hospital with the equipment necessary for it to be a viable health care centre in Muskoka. However, our primary goal is to continue to provide our patients and staff with all necessary assistance, guidance, and occasionally a little compassion.

The Auxiliary’s successful fundraisers this year included the Spring Card Party, a Garage Sale, our annual Tag Day, the Huntsville Ironman, a variety show called “Can’t Stop the Beat”, Cookie Delight and our renovated Gift Shop “Branches”. Our donations to the hospital totaled approximately $70,000. We were able to purchase a transport ventilator for the ICU, a Bili-blanket for Obstetrics, a steam table for the Food & Nutrition Services Department, contribute to a new Sentinel Node Biopsy machine for the Operating Room and an ice machine for the first floor. The Christmas Wish $1,000 was won by Spiritual Care and they will replace some of the furniture in the Chapel/Quiet Room on the second floor.

We celebrated 27 long service members in June including two 40 year members: Peggy Hern and Diane Litchfield. Six members were nominated for Ontario Volunteer Service awards. At the Volunteer Appreciation BBQ in July, we announced that Helen Sparkes would be awarded her Provincial Life membership at the Provincial HAAO Convention in November.

Two $1,000 scholarships were awarded in June: HHS student Annika Johnston and staff member Daniella Harrison.

The Auxiliary sent three members to the regional conference and five members to the provincial HAAO convention in Toronto in November.

We continue to attract new volunteers to our busy group.

This year was a successful year in many ways. We received more volunteers than usual this past year and certainly that interest fills an ongoing need, in order to offer the services we provide within the hospital. Thanks to our Auxiliary members, the hospital staff and the people of Huntsville and surrounding communities who support us. A Spring Card Party, a Garage sale, our Tag Day, our Golf Classic, the House Tour and our Cookie Delight event and donations from the public have enabled us to purchase 11 Vital Sign Monitors, a special tourniquet for the Emergency Department, Vac Ultra Therapy units to enable quicker healing of serious wounds, and other items on the way.

One large endeavour this year was the renovation of our Gift Shop, causing it to look much larger and brighter, making it more shopper friendly with the use of debit and credit charges being handled right in the shop, providing nutritious foods and snacks and new clothing lines and much, much more. Money from Gift Shop and vending efforts also support purchases for hospital equipment and scholarship offerings to students or staff. We had two scholarship winners in 2016: Jennifer Joiner and Sabrina Schaly each received $1,000 toward post-secondary courses leading to health science careers.

In June, 26 members received awards for their service to the auxiliary and to the hospital. Shirley Woodard and Barb Golding each were honoured with Provincial Life Member awards at the HAAO Auxiliary Provincial Convention in November. Three other members also attended the provincial convention in Toronto and 20 members attended our Spring Regional Conference in Bracebridge this past April. These are great opportunities for personal growth and for ideas to address concerns related to our own local Auxiliary. 

This year was a year which spanned 60 years of memories as the hospital auxiliary celebrated our “Diamond Jubilee – 60 Years of Service”.  Events were planned to express gratitude to the people of Huntsville and surrounding communities, to the staff with whom we work each day and who support our endeavours, and to our current and past Auxiliary members, spouses and friends of the Auxiliary. Members were saddened by the death of Ruth Newell the day prior to our Auxiliary gathering. Ruth had been a member for 58 years.

Fundraising happens because of the support and work of all of these people. Thanks to members and other supporters who through the “Hospital Cabaret”, “The Odd Couple”, the Spring Card Party, Tag Day, the Golf Classic, a Christmas Bazaar table at Rogers Cove, the Cookie Delight event and sales in the Gift Shop enabled us to purchase a new Blood Bank Refrigerator for the lab ($11,569.63), and a Fetal Heart Monitor for obstetrics ($32,506.95).

Sixteen members attended the Central Region Spring Conference in Barrie in April, two attended the HAAO Convention in Toronto, and in June one scholarship was handed out to Alida Martin from Huntsville High School.  Our Auxiliary awards honoured 30 members for their involvements in the hospital and community.  Lois Spiers and Joyce White also received Provincial Life Member awards at our 60th Anniversary Luncheon. Wherever you see the green smocks or vests, they are evidence of a service being provided in our hospital. 

The Auxiliary achieved our fundraising goal of over $70,000 this year to buy 10 new beds for the hospital to increase patient comfort and safety. Our fundraisers included a Spring Card Party, Tag Day, 5th Annual Golf Classic Tournament, Autumn Home Tour and Luncheon, Cookie Delight and gift wrapping at the mall. The Branches Gift Shop not only contributed funds but also increased its food and snack vending operations to provide a greater selection for staff and visitors.

Our members attended the Central Region Auxiliary conference in Orangeville and the Provincial HAAO conference in Toronto.

The Ontario Volunteer Service Award winners this year were Marj Adam, LaNor Lovegrove, Ruth Passmore, Vera McWade, Irene Parker and Betty Bildson.

Our two new HAAO Provincial Life Members are Lynn Fletcher and Jane Rutledge.

Susan Love has revived the tradition of presenting a newborn’s family with a handmade stocking and this year nine babies received the beautiful gifts in December.

The Auxiliary had another busy year!  Twenty-four members attended the HAAO Central Region Spring Conference held in Alliston.  The Auxiliary purchased two chairs for the newly renovated Dialysis Unit.

Their 4th Annual Golf Classic fundraiser, held at Deerhurst Highlands Golf Course, raised $30,792. The Auxiliary was the recipient of a Muskoka Award for Community Organization.

Three Auxiliary members were honoured with 40 years of volunteer service: Ann Hutley, Joan McCaw and Marion Carswell.

New equipment for the Food & Nutrition Services Department at the hospital was purchased by the Auxiliary, which will ensure that patients receive hot food.  The Auxiliary was saddened to lose our oldest volunteer member, Marion White aged 99 years.

The Auxiliary had a very busy year!  A commitment of $100,000 was made to the hospital toward the much needed Vital Signs Bedside Monitors for the Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Department. Fundraisers for the year included Sunshine Bags, Spring Bulb Sale, Annual Card Party, BBQ, 3rd Annual Golf Tournament, House Tour, Variety Show and Cookie Delight sale. 

Ontario Volunteer Service Award recipients were Arvina Bennett, Ruth Lindsey, Ann Semadeni, Lois Spiers, Virginia Cartwright and Betty Harris. 

The Central Region Spring Conference was hosted by the Auxiliary at Faith Baptist Church and a Tom Thomson mural “Spring in Algonquin Park” painted by local artist Gerry Lantaigne was mounted on the outside of the hospital in conjunction with this conference by title sponsor Larry Greenwood Family Tim Hortons and the Town of Huntsville and five camps in Algonquin Park. 

Members Peggy Hern and Diane Litchfield received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Award.  The HAAO Provincial Life Member recipients were Beryl Clayson, Jean Wagner, Irene Parker and Vera McWade. The $1,000 Christmas Wish draw was won by the Chemotherapy Clinic to go toward a wall-mounted Blood Pressure Machine. 

Another busy and exciting year.  The hospital welcomed Natalie Bubela as our new CEO.  Our fundraisers included our annual Card Party, Tag Day, Chocolate Dessert Fantasy, Bingo, Cookie Delight, Westside Fish & Chips Restaurant certificates, Sunshine Bags, a very successful Golf Tournament which raised $31,5000.00, a BBQ at Robinson's Your Independent Grocer, a bulb sale, quilt raffle, Christmas wrapping at the mall and one of the most exciting fundraisers we have done: our 2012 “Volunteers at Play” calendar. A new in-hospital service was introduced, our information booth, staffed by greeters.  Canadian Tire donated a Christmas tree for the lobby.

An Auxiliary Golf T-shirt was introduced, yellow with Huntsville Hospital Auxiliary embroidered in black.

Mary Davies, Marg Gibbard, Mary Meredith, Shirley Neil, Nancy Waxl and Joyce White received their Ontario Volunteer Service Awards.  We attended the Central Region Spring Conference in Midland and two members attended the Fall Conference in Wiarton.  At the HAAO Convention in November, Arvina Bennett, Virginia Cartwright, Kaye Fowler and Ann Semadeni received their Provincial Life Member award.  We were honoured to win first prize in the photo contest for “Volunteers at Work”. Ruth Newell was nominated for a Muskoka Magazine Award and received “Citizen of the Year”.

We purchased a wheelchair for South Wing, and chairs for the Chemotherapy Department. A Department Christmas Wish was introduced.  At our Christmas lunch we paid the final installment of our $250,000 pledge for the digital mammography unit. 

The Auxiliary had a very busy and exciting year. Fundraisers included a Card Party, the Dofasco Male Chorus concert (shared with Trinity Church), Tag Day, House Tour, Cookie Delight, Bingo, Westside Fish & Chips Restaurant certificates and two new fundraisers: a Golf Tournament and a concert which included Roger Abbott of Royal Canadian Air Farce fame, Sherisse Stevens, and several members of MAHC.  At the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards, Clara Addisson, Rae Coote, Shirley Farnsworth, June Gibson, Mary Spear and Helen Prager received 30 year awards.  We attended the Central Region’s Spring Conference and hosted the Fall Conference.  Four members attended the HAAO Convention and members Marg Gibbard and Mary Meredith received their Provincial Life Member award.  Our 55th anniversary was celebrated with a tea at Muskoka Traditions Chartwell and everyone received an Auxiliary pin designed by a high school student.  At our Christmas luncheon we were entertained by a skit “Auxiliaries through the Years” performed by several members.  We purchased a convection/microwave oven for South Wing and we donated $50,000 in February and $85,000 in November to our pledge for the digital mammography unit. 

The Auxiliary was saddened by the death of Provincial Life Member Sena Snowden, a very active member for 39 years and HAAO Region 3 Chair for a two-year term.  A commitment of $250,000 was made to support the Diagnostic Imaging’s new Mammography unit.  The Auxiliary’s donation is acknowledged by a large billboard at the entrance to the new parking lot.

Marion Carswell, Peggy Hern, Ann Hutley, Diane Litchfield, Joan McCaw and Marion White were honoured for more than 30 years as hospital volunteers at the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards.

Our usual fundraisers took place as well as working one night a month at Rainbow Bingo.  Branches Gift Shop had sales of $69,000, providing $20,000 for the work of the Auxiliary.

Twenty-six members attended the Region 3 Spring Conference in Bracebridge, two members attended the Fall Conference in Kincardine and two members attended the HAAO Convention in Toronto.

By-laws were amended to initiate the amalgamation of members and in-hospital volunteers into one strong Auxiliary, to take effect in January 2010.

This year saw the introduction of two new fundraisers, a Spring Fashion Show and a Chocolate & Dessert Fantasy.  Eleven stores in Huntsville participated in our fashion show and several of our Auxiliary members acted as models.  The Chocolate & Dessert Fantasy is an event in which restaurants and resorts are asked to donate a special dessert and/or savoury, and the event also include a silent auction.  Our 5th dragon boat races was held in torrential rain, which did not dampen the spirits of our paddlers who came from all over Ontario.

Fax machines were provided to the Chemotherapy and Pharmacy Departments, a blanket warmer for Chemotherapy and three defibrillators for the Operating Room, East Wing and the Emergency Department.  Members attended the Region 3 Spring Conference in Barrie and the Fall Conference in Midland, and four members attended the HAAO Convention in Toronto.  Jack Hern, a valued member with 21 years service passed away, while his wife Peggy received her 30-year award. 

The Auxiliary nominated Ruth Newell for an Ontario Seniors Award, and in May at the Mark O'Meara Golf Club, she was presented with a certificate and a volunteer pin for her 50 years of volunteering with the Auxiliary.  A blood pressure monitor was purchased for the Chemotherapy Clinic with proceeds from the car wash held in 2006, a bequest from deceased member Marlene Nischan and her husband, and a donation from the Deerhurst Lakeside Golf Ladies.

Fundraisers included a Card Party, plant sale, Tag Day, dragon boat races and Cookie Delight.

In March a monthly column in the Huntsville Forester was started.  Several members attended the Spring Conference in Orangeville travelling together by bus.  After 16 years the HLS lottery came to an end, and our final cheque of $3,085.55 was received.

An Auxiliary jacket was introduced – beige with Huntsville Hospital Auxiliary embroidered on it.

Our second "Family Jamboree" was held in January, other fundraisers were, a Card Party, plant sale, Tag Day, dragon boat races, "A Day with Audrey Grant" which included a lunch and bridge lessons, the House Tour and the Christmas Cookie Delight. Our newsletter was produced three times during the year.

We were very excited to win the Chamber of Commerce's award for "Best Tourist Business" of the year, for the dragon boat races, and the HAAO photo contest for the "fundraising" portion, this with a photograph of a group of us with the "Dragon".  We discontinued our TV program as this was taken over by a private company.  Several members took part in a car wash with proceeds going to the Auxiliary to be used for the Chemotherapy Clinic.  Several members took part in the focus groups held in the hospital regarding the amalgamation with the South Muskoka Memorial Hospital.

In October we presented the final $100,000 of our pledge to the Day Surgery.  In honour of his wife Lu, Harry Brown made a memorial garden in honour of all Auxilians past, present and future members in the area beside the patio with a plaque placed in the garden.  A letter was received from Ken Black, hospital board chair, informing the Auxiliary that they were no longer eligible to vote at the hospital’s annual meeting. 

Fundraisers were "Family Jamboree" at the ski club, Dofasco Men's Chorus, plant sale, bulb sale, Card Party, Tag Day, our second dragon boat races and the Christmas Cookie Delight.  In April we hosted the Spring Conference for Region 3.  This ended June Gibson's term as Chairman of Region 3, and started her term as Past Chairman.  Our 50th anniversary was celebrated with a dinner and entertainment at the Holiday Inn in October, and in November a celebration was held in the cafeteria where our cheque for $100,000 was presented as part of our pledge for the Day Surgery.  We now have $100,000 left in our commitment.  It was decided to reintroduce a newsletter and in December the first edition appeared. 

Fundraisers included 'The Lloyd Dennis' show, Senior's Fair, plant sale, House Tour and the dragon boat races in partnership with the Huntsville/Lake of Bays Rotary Club the "Sunrisers".  In October a cheque for $100,000 was presented to the foundation as part of our pledge for Day Surgery. 

Fundraisers this year included a plant sale, bulb sale, Quilt Show and Cookie Delight.

During April, the hospital saw changes in service due to SARS.  In May a motion was made that we pledge $50,000 per year over six years for a total of $300,000 for equipment for the Endoscopy Suite of the new Day Surgery unit.  It was agreed that all monies raised during 2002/2003 for the CT Scan be re-designated towards Day Surgery.  Two scholarships of $500 each are presented by the Auxiliary annually, one to a Huntsville High School student and one to a member of staff who is pursuing further education in the health sciences field.  Ann Hutley made the first approach toward bringing the dragon boat races to Huntsville. In November she found a partner in the "Sunrisers" Rotary Club.

June Gibson was elected as the Region 3 chairperson. 

A new venture was tried to sell uniforms to the hospital staff but had to be cancelled by September.  Scrub suits are still being sold in the Gift Shop. $9,490 was donated toward furniture and equipment for the Physiotherapy Department.  We were saddened by the death of our President, Norma Sereres. Monies raised from our fundraising events were accumulated to be used toward the CT Scan. 

A new venture was tried to sell uniforms to the hospital staff but had to be cancelled by September.  Scrub suits are still being sold in the Gift Shop. $9,490 was donated toward furniture and equipment for the Physiotherapy Department.  We were saddened by the death of our President, Norma Sereres. Monies raised from our fundraising events were accumulated to be used toward the CT Scan. 

A Spring Luncheon was held in March and "Breath of Scotland" was held in April. The Auxiliary celebrated its 45th anniversary with a cake in the cafeteria.  Our donation this year was $42,298.21 plus $5,000.  The Auxiliary has raised $725,000 over the past 45 years, which has been used to purchase equipment for the hospital.

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